Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Other Questions from your comments

In answer to a question or two about snow bunnies, in the near future there will be a picture of Lucky the Range dog and one of the commisionaires who guard the range.

In regard to the questions about the technology there will be a post, probably on the weekend about the system we delivered and how it works. I will try to keep the tech talk to a minimum and still give a good idea of why it is so good.

Even though we look like Arabs in Burkhas when we dress for work, there don't appear to be many Lebanese around here, so no kibee. Anyway this province had one of the Canadian Mad Cow cases so maybe raw beef isn't the best bet in these parts.

When will I get to come home? That is a good question. There are 5 guys who have been here since the first of January. They are each 'rotating' home for a week to a week and a half (because it takes 2 days to get here [I think there are not a whole lot of places in North America for which that is true]) and I will be staying at least until they all have rotated home. That puts me in mid-March getting home but probably coming right back because there are activities in April here that demand my presence.

Meanwhile, I am staying warm most of the time.


Anonymous said...

Hey, the only dogs in the world that I know of that are named "Lucky" exist soley in the Philippines (they are the ones running around "ALIVE" not on the dinner table).
I'm heading off to work so I'll be out of touch until sunday, us bankrupt companies can't allow its employees to be goofing around on the web while at work.
I guess that I need to get a Laptop, but i need some guidance on what to get and the only one I know that can give me a straight answer is freezing his ***-off in the great white north.
Give me a "C"..eh
Give me an "N"..eh
Give me a "D"..eh
'Watch ya got...
hope to catch some surf in LAX.
Stay warm...


Tim said...

Thanks Dave. I hope there is no urgency on the laptop. May you have corduroy to sunset in LAX. Flyby if you can on the way from ATL to LAX.