Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunday in the Coffee Shop

Small Joys
Today's soup was "Cream of Vegetable" and it tasted like the wonderful "Golden Vegetable" that I used to have in England that was the real life saver of Lent. I cannot express how great it was to find that soup today. Unfortunately, Pat tells me they don't sell it in the grocery store. Still, I'll check for myself, later.

Another thing that is unique to Canada is that everything is labeled in both English and French. You get used to it after a while and you stop noticing that butter in French is buere, garlic in French is ail, cholesterol in French is cholesterol, except that the e has a ' on top of it. But I noticed today that the French word for Cracker is "Biscuit". The same thing crackers were called in England, I wonder if the English are aware of that.

I saw an awesome Canadian Passport today. Apparently the Canadian Passport requires a ball cap as an accessory. I wish I had gotten a picture, but left camera in room.

Vicki told me to go for a walk today and the room still isn't made up, so off I go.

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