Sunday, February 25, 2007


Phase 2 of my master plan to bring Grits to the western Canadian Prairie has been accomplished.

Stand by for Phase 3.


Anonymous said...

Phew, after the "All-nighter" from LAX ended in ATL as the cold front was passing thru (it is not a good sign when the "yellow and Red" blob on the WX radar looks to intersect your flight path 5 miles from the runway..but now that is a better excuse than "the sun was in my eyes").
I flew over Arkansas Sat at about the same time there was a killer tornado below. How do I know??? We were at 34,000ft and about 25 miles from a big cell, as we went thru some clouds we were pounded with rain,, that is right , huge raindrops, I have never seen that, 'cause they say water cannot be a liqiud (does that sound weird??) when it is -25deg C. that is a pretty good indication of some strong up and down drafts is a big storm (there was probably hail down below too).
Surf was blown out in LA, but we did pass by the old TRW (now Northrup/Grumman bldg) and I cooked off a good bit of flatulance as we drove by (with you in mind)!!
Got home early sunday morning and the surf was actually better here in the "Lake of Mexico" than LA. (overhead). Went surfing with Morgan for two hours and realized that having no sleep was making my surfing look even worse, I called it quits.
Today is the 1st day of FCAT and in true Smith family tradition, I have one sick child...this time it is Maya, her Asthma kicked in really bad last night ( I think it was when she saw "AL Gore's film" when best Documentary, or was it when Melissa Etheridge got an Oscar and she thanked her "Wife" and then started to praise "Al Gore") and so Maya is not going to make it to school today. I got up early and made a big breakfast for the other two knuckleheads.
Bruner has a new basball coach (used to coach Niceville HS). Friday, Morgan hit two balls over the fence during batting the coach made him run two laps ("quit trying to swing for the fence all the time" was the reasoning for the punishment). I just laughed when Morgan told me. He may learn something this year.
I know where all of the canadians are , they were in Olando this past weekend when I layed over there.
By the way, how do the "locals" feel about "Global Warming"???
"I's gots to know??"
Well that is it for my MOAC (mother of all comments)

Anonymous said...

Forget the Grits, I'd introduce some good southern cooking, gas producing foods...such as... Collard Greens!!!
After a good dinner of greens and a good night sleep, I'd say that the boys in the control room would vote to kick you out of Canada for a while. Kind of like Klinger on MASH, but you'd use the gastro-intestinal approach for your "Section Eight"!!
Always looking to help..

Anonymous said...


I think that you have entirely too much time on your hands there. I can only imagine that "Boat Drinks" has taken on an even more significant meaning than it did in England, because now you really have no choice but to listen to Hockey games eh?

My mission to introduce grits to Vermonters has not been very successful, so I am hoping that you are able to convert more folks than I did.


Anonymous said...

I think we can safely send you our sweaters and Auburn sweat-shirts now, it is consistently hitting pert-near 70F most everyday at home. Keep up the good work..RKW

Anonymous said...

Have Chuckles introduce you to the late night Waffle House way to do grits. It inovlves grits and lots of eggs and butter...yum..RKW

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to see your "I've been at Cold Lake two weeks" picture next to the "I've been a Cold Lake one day" picture.