Monday, March 12, 2007

Saw 300

Instant classic. Joe Bob Briggs would love this movie.


Anonymous said...

You Hollywood Lackey,
Let me tell you what is going on with one of your favorite hollywood stars.

Do you really want to know what her agenda is?? It isn't GLobal Warming.. it is "THE Donald". YOu see, Donald Trump has a lot of real estate in south florida and by shouting the Global Warming scare, your girl Rosie, is trying to keep all of the New Yorkers from moving down to south florida and buying into Trumps Condo's.
But here is the interesting part of this...just as birds follow the seasons, not based on our archaic 12 month calander, but based on "TEMPERATURE".... so do the old retired New Yorkers. IF in fact there was warmer weather in NYC, there would be fewer Yankees moving to South Florida and a lesser demand on new developments.
Well, imagine my suprise,when I was jogging along the beach in Ft Lauderdale, when I saw a new Condo going up, the huge picture of "THE Donald" on the sign about made me trip over some college coeds eating yellow corn grits. the sign said "OWN YOUR ON PIECE OF SOUTH FLORIDA". Starting in the 900's.

Now "THE DONALD" is a pretty shrewd business man. I don't think that he would be stupid enough to invest in property that would be under water next year. (partly 'caused by your destruction of the perma frost on the snow mobile trail) He must think that there will be even more "Black sock and sandals" from NYC willing to leave the frozen north.
What's good for "THE DONALD" is good for me !!

Tim said...

Don't you think we should get the Donald to back us as we buy up all of the soon to be beachfront of the wiregrass area. Say from Brewton to Dothan. Hell, we can buy cheap now and when all this snow melt finally makes its way down to the Gulf it'll all be waterfront and we can make loads!

Of course this is the same plan I had when I first moved to FWB from Enland back in 1995. Whatever happened to the global warming they were scarred of back then?

Tim said...

You have enough material for your own blog.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH !!! The Grand Blog Master has payed me the highest complimment....
I'M NOT WORHTY !!! I'M NOT WORTHY!! I'M NOT WORTHY!!(actually, Gina says "that's enough!!")

Tim said...

I can picture you running around your house, yelling I"M NOT WORTHY! at the top of your lungs...