Monday, March 5, 2007


This is just inside the entrance to the range on a hill on the east side of the road in.

It is called an Inukshuk (although the proper Inuit spelling is Inuksuk, hence the title of the post), and it is a milestone or directional marker used by the Inuit of the Canadian arctic for navigation.

When Canada has the Winter Olympics in 2010, it will be the Olympic symbol. One of my co-workers pointed it out. He sees good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I hate to inform you Tim, that after I passed this along to the Al Gore Groupies (regarding your tragic icicle). They have taken a keen interest in your blog and have fowarded it to their commrades north of the border.
It seems that there is a concern about the harm being done to the lake inhabitants when a 2,000 lb object slams onto the lake ice bed.
As you know, water is mucher denser (thicker) medium than air, so that soundwaves travel farther and more intensely than thru air. Take into the fact how cold the water is in the lake (therefore, more dense), the noise/vibrations from your 2,000 lb pallet could be catastrophic to any marine life. Sure, you may not see dead fish or snail darters, evidently, it could affect their breeding this coming spring (which there would be in July) and their offspring could be severely mutated.(any other word, look and sound like some Mississippi mud mullet).
The eco-impact to the Cold Lake area could be dramatic, the poor coyotes will have less to eat as would the seagulls, and the locals would not be able to ice fish ( thus, less drinking Labatts in the ice fishing hut, more time at home,equals more babies and before you know it, we have our own Republic of China at our northern border.
Whew, I don't think I can go on without a panic attack.
I think the Canadian Mounties and Klondike Kat will be arriving there shortly!!