It even looks like their might have been a merger in the works, as our icicle is sort of bending towards the smaller one on the right. Ominously, though, it can be seen that the corner of the roof, near the downspout is clear of snow and the forecast for Saturday was for a sunny afternoon, with the air temperature rising to 4. Not a typo, that number is positive!
This turn of events was to have devastating consequences for our icicle, which I your intrepid correspondent do not now fear to blog to you, the hopefully interested reader.
Who among us is so hard-hearted, to not be moved at this tragic loss? And who among cannot readily see that climate change is too blame.
And hear, dear reader I must ask you to examine your conscience and decide, each and every one of you for themselves whether to look upon this next image. I would be negligent were I not to caution you that this image is so distressing, so disturbing that you may want to turn away rather than be exposed to the very real threat that is global warming. Y-O-U H-A-V-E B-E-E-N W-A-R-N-E-D!
Al Gore would be proud, young "non-believer" (especially since you are using his invention, the internet, to spread the travesty of your icicle). Of course, you could get a job on the WX Channel and join their band of Global Warming "Gypsies".
Are you sure that some of the snow melt on the last picture is not due to a coyote marking his territory (or perhaps some one from "LA" (lower ALabama))??
I knew this post would be controversial. But how can you trivialize such an impactful tragedy as the death of our blog's icicle. This is exactly how global warming deniers attack the truth, by trivializing and pointing ot other possible causes. Can't you all see what is happening to our earth. The icicle has shown us the way, unless we do something (like turn down the heat inside the building, which is certainly contributing as much as the sun and the air temperature) we will also grow only to fall fall to the ground and shatter at the very edge of the snow.
Besides the LA people usually leave their signatures. I know I do.
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