Does anyone know if my camera is really dying? Is this a symptom of a camera that has had it with cold.
Actually compressed and shrunk as they are here on the blog, they don't look nearly as weird as full size.
Tim's blog about working in Cold Lake, Canada
It's obvious to me that with your Hollywood, liberal connections, that you have unlimited access to the rights to "Broke Back Mountain".
The first photo is just a scene in that movie in FF(fast forward, for you slow types). The second photo is the view from the "Catcher" when that Mountain got Broke. WWWEEEEEEEEEE !!!
You seem to have an obsession with that movie.
Remember this is the Canadian prairie, no mountains here, with broken backs or otherwise.
Also, remember this is a family blog.
But it is the PC thing these days, I'll clean it up old wise one, but don't you control what gets published.
Gotta fly the old "red Eye" (oops, is that not PC too??) back to ATL tomorrow night from SAN.
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