This is a "cow" and her offspring. They are regularly in the woods on the west side of the road to the range, but always in the trees. Never very close to the road, but not very far either.
Mooses around here are infested with ticks, and there is no easy way to get them off. So with the cold (these pictures were taken when it was -19C, about 1 below 0F) they are quite lethargic. The do move when you stop the car to take their picture, though, but they don't go very far.
I was told they are named after what they were called by the Algonquin Indians, "mooz" or something like that. It means twig eaters, and I can tell you that twigs are about the only thing they could be eating in these woods.
Okay, that's 1 out of 2.
Now let's get to the northern lights
Went out last night after Battlestar Galactica. Was first clear night since I've been here. No joy.
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