Here's a picture of me on the ski lift.
It turns out that photograde glasses don't like the cold much. They turn really dark outside and it seems to take forever to clear back up. I am having to take them off when it gets overcast or I go back into a building.
Update on the CrackBerry: It is unreliable for posting as I tried to post with it on the ski lift right after I took this photo, but the post appears to be lost somewhere in Cyberspace.
To Breakfast.
Enough pictures of you, let's see the snow bunnies!..RKW
You don't look like that "Guitar Hero" Bass player that I was jamming with during the Super Bowl.
I hope you can find a PS2 and practice soem songs while you are up there.
You need some Rasta hair stocking cap to wear down the slopes, Tim.
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